Agile Software Delivery

Ready to deliver your software faster.  Ready help your development team do great estimates, deliver on-time and increase code reliability?

We have the Scrum Masters and Coaches to embed within your team.  Your team keeps coding and testing while they are learning how to do it better.  Our team teaches your team by example as they do their daily tasks.  

We introduce Agile activities and concepts gradually, so your team can adopt and adapt without being overwhelmed.  Each team is unique, and BG crafts each work plan to fit your teams readiness and skills. 

Project Management

Sometimes you just need the project done. BG has a roster of experienced project and program managers, business analysts and quality assurance and control staff dedicated to delivery.  

We have experience in setting up projects so they succeed, and our success record is stellar.  We have developed mature methods in both the Agile and traditional practice and can bring the right mix to the right program.

We represent you and we speak the language business.  We cut through the jargon and finger pointing and make sure your program goals get met.  

While we excel in all  program areas, we currently have a focused capabilities in the areas listed here

Requirements Gathering

Why let your software vendor tell you what you need?  Turns out, you and your staff know what you need to do your job better than anyone else in the world.  BG uses mature and empowering methods that help your team communicate what they need and value to technical resources.

We can make sure that your business team and your development team act and innovate like ONE TEAM.  All the while making sure you get the value you expect from your new or updated technology tools.